2023 – @thejonedgar Instagram

After abandonment of all social media during lockdown and appreciating the removal of feeling it is running ones life, I’ve re-instituted Instagram as an archive of images and which also allows easier direct contact.

2022/3 – Art Society Heads Up! project

90 children in Y5 and 6; three schools. Developing the Bury project of 2021 further and deeper with schools in West Sussex. Two schools completed the sessions (individual heads and a communal lifesize head worked on by all pupils) in Autumn ’22 and one goes in Spring ’23.

new block at Slindon

The National Trust ‘Rise of Northwood’ will see a new commemorative marker emerging as the replanting begins. See http://slindonsculpture.wordpress.com for diary/archive of sculptor’s progress.

update – Pulborough block

Still working a day a week at RH20 2EL until November 2014. Several cash pledges have already been made to the stone staying in the Arun Valley area.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

exhibition moves to YSP 14 Sept – 3 November; include a public portrait sitting 31 Oct/1st November and a portrait teaching date on 2nd November

Sculpture Series Heads: Woking 17 July

new exhibition until 18th August to coincide with publication of catalogue in association with Yorkshire Sculpture Park and The Lightbox Gallery and Museum.

summer sittings

Dame Fiona Reynolds recently sat for the Environment Series Heads, and Charles Saumarez Smith is a recent invited sitter.

To YSP: 2013 launches, exhibitions and teaching

An exciting year in preparation, with the last two heads of the Sculpture Series being completed and a Times photographer documenting progress of the critic sitter, Nancy Durrant, at Fittleworth in February. The Surrey University acquisition of the ‘Charmer’ bronze relief has been delivered but not yet sited. The Hindhead carving experience has been hard […]

Notes on carving Wight Man, Feb 2006

This block was difficult to start; it had provenance, value and rarity, which has made the process of carving harder. Most of my blocks are mean lumps, perhaps damaged and rejected by others, bartered or found. That it had been sitting waiting for 50 years just added to that pressure – can one do it […]